Backpack The Three Sisters Loop

Day 1 - August 8, the trek begins
Day 1 - Pole Creek Burn of 2012 - massive
Day 1 - Three Sisters Wilderness boundary
Day 1 - Fireweed 2
Day 1 - Penstemon 2
Day 1 - Peanut MMs - Ahh
Day 1 - Daisy
Day 1 - 20160808_131704
Day 1 - Glacier Fed Streams 2
Day 1 - Demaris Lake, Middle Sister and Old Fart
Day 1 - Demaris Lake and Middle Sister sans Old Fart 2
Day 1 - Trail to Camp Lake 2
Day 1 - Painbrush, heather and snowfields
Day 1 - Paintbrush 2
Day 1 - Camp Lake, Snowfields and COLD at 7000 feet 2
Day 1 - Camp at Demaris Lake 2
Day 1 - Bear Bag at Demaris Lake
Day 2 - Middle Sister from Demaris Lake and Campsite 2
Day 2 - Glacial Stream - cross those logs 2
Day 2 - More Heather and Paintbrush 2
Day 2 - long hike to Green Lakes 2
Day 2 - Green Lake and South Sister 2
Day 2 - Flowers and Stream
Day 2 - Fall Creek (out of Green Lakes)
Day 2 - Lava flow and water flow 2
Day 2 - Moraine Lake Where E and M fought 30 years ago
Day 2 - Moraine Lake and South Sister Fight Location - 30 years ago
Day 2 - Go Right
Day 2 - Trail to summit of South Sister
Day 2 - Succulent 2
Day 2 - Lookin' good
Day 3 - Camped here with growls and rumbles in the night
Day 3 - South Sister, PCT and the old man
Day 3 - Wickiup Plains and PCT - Looking back 2
Day 3 - Watering hole and Trekking Poles 2
Day 3 - Little notes along the way
Day 3 - Morning Lupin Field 3 2
Day 3 - Morning Lupin Field 5
Day 3 - Reese Lake Watering hole and cleanup time 2
Day 3 - One does get rather stinky
Day 3 - Reese Lake Buddy
Day 3 - Go that way 2
Day 3 - Linton Meadow - next time
Day 3 - Blue White Lupine 2
Day 3 - Obsidian Area
Day 3 - Bouquet and Creek 2
Day 3 - Lava Flow 2
Day 3 - Long Trail Ahead 2
Day 3 - North Sister, Lava Scree and Ice Fields 2
Day 3 - Minnie Scott Spring - no filtering required
Day 3 - After 23 miles Camp at Alder Creek in burn area
Day 3 - Coming up on the Rise
Day 3 - Video 1
Day 4 - In the Burn, Life Continues
Day 4 - In the Burn, Life Continues 2
Day 4 - In the Burn, Life Continues 3
Day 4 - Done - 60 miles
Day 3 - Lava, Lava Everywhere 2
Day 3 - Yep, breathing hard now
day 4 - NS 1 2
Day 1 - Demaris Lake and Broken Top
Day 1 - Snowfields, Fog and Cold
Day 1 - Heather - I love heather 2
Day 1 - 20160808_165648
Day 2 - Demaris Lake camp
Day 2 - Broken Top 1
Day 2 - Middle Sister, Little Brother and North Sister
Day 2 - North Sister (I think)
Day 2 - The trails goes that way
Day 2 - South Sister - see the trail on the ridge
Day 2 - South Sister over Wickiup Plains
Day 3 - Nature's Bouquet 2
Day 3 - Dry Creek
Day 3 - Lupin along the trail
Day 3 - Yep, that's my trail - someone has to walk it
Day 3 - Rocks and Hills
Day 3 - Middle Sis and Lupine
Day 3 - Busy Bee
Day 3 - Obsidian Falls
Day 3 - Trail to Opie Dilldock Pass - going up...
Day 3 - Lava, Lava Everywhere
Day 3 - Just a pretty view
Day 3 - Rather Ominous
Day 4 - NS 1
Day 4 - In the Burn, Life Continues 2 2